9 Keys To Top Cat Care And Cat Training
Today it's so happy to share with you some basic cat care tips to perhaps help improve the quality of life (and perhaps health) of your cats. 1. Setting Boundaries in Cat CareIf you do not set bou...
Has your cat been tired, agitated or just too upset lately? Suddenly it isn’t eating, playing around, or may not even want to be around you! If your cat starts to exhibit behaviours that it would ...
Understanding Your Cat’s Body Language
Cats are like that one friend that we all have — the one who doesn’t express themselves much and doesn’t say a lot (but when they do it it’s like when a unicorn pukes rainbow). However, when you’v...
4 Ways to Give Your Cat Exercise Indoors
Apart from the time that we’re home to play with them or groom them, our cats are mostly alone at home entertaining themselves with whatever’s lying around or taking multiple naps throughout the d...
Is your kitten diagnosed with feline asthma? Don’t worry and don’t get panic, your worry will not control the asthmatic conditions and make your kitty normal. So, now think about how to solve the ...
The Most Common Sick Cat Symptoms
If you are someone who has a cat around the house, you should make a point to try and learn the most common sick cat symptoms around. You never want your cat to have any serious problems, so you n...