Why Cats Spray and How to Stop Them?
Spraying by male cats is common, but spraying by female cats is not a frequent occurrence. Regardless of gender, spraying outside of the litterbox is one of the most common concerns for cat owner...
9 Easy Ways to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water
In the wild, cats prey on mice which are made of around 70% water. It has long since been imbued in their genes to derive their daily water intake by feeding on their prey. As a result, they don’t...
The Ultimate Guide to Your Cat’s Pee
Cats usually don’t exhibit any outward signs of a serious illness. By the time we as pet owners discover that something’s up with our feline overlords, it might already be too late. One of the bes...
Why Cat Has Crystals in Their Urine?
In may be unpleasant to check our cat's litter tray, but finding crystals in their urine is just one reason why it is important. Crystals which are passed on their own may not cause a severe probl...
Why is My Cat Having Seizures?
If you witness a cat having a seizure for the first time, it is one of the scariest sights we can imagine in our pets. While seizures can be of varying degrees of acuteness, they are all worrying....
Why My Cat Has Lumps Under Their Skin?
Petting and brushing our cat helps to condition their coat, strengthen our bond and provide all-important affection. It also provides the opportunity to check their skin for any abnormalities. Som...